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To use the international phone number, simply dial the number as provided below. Service may not be available in certain parts of the country, from mobile phone, calling card or payphone.

Access and Restrictions

Location International dial in number Details
Anguilla 18003003629
Antigua 18003003634
Argentina 08004449024
Australia 0011-80065789868
Austria 00-80065789868
Bahamas 18003890706
Bahrain 80004985
Belgium 00-80065789868
Bermuda 18002048237
Brazil 08007618648
Bulgaria 008002100042
Canada /US 1-8662250198
Cayman Islands 18002048251
Chile 12300201279
China – North 108007141933
China – South 108001401965
Colombia 018005184008
Croatia 0800223205
Cyprus 80096049
Czech Republic 800090181
Denmark 00-80065789868
Dominica 18003003654
Dominican Republic 18002039567
Egypt 08000009053
Fiji Islands 008007283
Finland 990-80065789868
France 00-80065789868
Germany 00-80065789868
Greece 0080016122040002
Grenada 18003003659
Hong Kong 001-80065789868
Hungary 0680109702
Iceland 8007364
India 0008001005703
Indonesia (PT Indosat) 0018030180001
Indonesia (PT Telkom) 0078030180001
Israel 014-80065789868
Italy and San Marino 800797467
Japan 001-010-80065789868 From KDDI network. If subscriber is not registered for carrier selection service.
Japan 0033-010-80065789868 From NTT network. If subscriber is not registered for carrier selection service.
Japan 0041-010-80065789868 From Softbank/JT network. If subscriber is not registered for carrier selection service.
Japan 0061-010-80065789868 From C&W - IDC network. If subscriber is not registered for carrier selection service.
Japan 010-80065789868
Lithuania 880099016
Luxembourg 80026330
Malaysia 00-80065789868
Mexico 0-8002530044 From all local Mexico carriers, except payphones lines.
Mexico 00-8002530044 From Telmex fixed and payphone lines.
Monaco 80093051
Montserrat 18003003664
Netherlands 00-80065789868
New Zealand 00-80065789868
Panama 011-008002240021
Peru 080077250
Philippines 180011101835
Portugal 800819012
Puerto Rico 18444054851
Romania 0800896328
Russia 88003017103
Saint Kitts and Nevis 18003003674
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 18003003669
Saudi Arabia 8008140043
Singapore 001-80065789868
Slovakia 0800232518
South Africa 0800994924
South Korea 001-80065789868 From Korea Telecom network.
South Korea 002-80065789868 From Dacom network.
South Korea 008-80065789868 From ONSE network.
Spain 900834750
Sweden 00-80065789868
Switzerland 00-80065789868
Taiwan 00-80065789868
Thailand 0018001562040002
Trinidad and Tobago 18002040006
Turkey 00800142040021
Turks and Caicos Islands 18003003679
U.S. Virgin Islands 18444054856
Ukraine 0800503427
United Arab Emirates 800035703567
United Kingdom 00-80065789868
Uruguay 00040190874
Venezuela 08001362044
Vietnam 12280234

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